

Follow These steps:
1)Please start from the First Post as all the posts are linked to each other.
2)If you don't understand any word or phrase and if its a hyperlink, i.e, it links to another site or post then don't hesitate to click it.
3)Please post comments or at least rate the posts. It will cost you nothing but it will make my day.
4)Please don't remove my referral id from any link. It won't do any good or bad to you.
5)and if you are posting any part of this blogs posts on your site or blog a backlink will be appreciated.

Apr 26, 2009

Editing Your Blogs Proportions and Sizes

Hi guys sorry about the delay again I am not going to bore you by giving you reasons so just lets get to the post.
----------Our last post was about Adding Custom or Animated Header to Our Blog and today we will learn how to change the size and proportion of your blog.

----------The area that contains your content or you can say the article that you post is known as main content area and the columns on the side of the main content in which you can add widgets and stuff like that are known as sidebars. The main content and the sidebars fall under the outer wrapper. The outer wrapper can be simply said to be the width of your blog. So it is obvious that the width of the content area should be greater that the sum of the width of the sidebar and main content. Now as you understand the difference between the different portions of the blog we may proceed to editing the html.

----------The first thing that you should know is that all these parts of the blog have their own place in the html of the blog and these are the places that contain the detailed structural information that determines the position and size of the part in the blog and these codes start with some what similar to the following lines in the html of your blog:

div#main {
div#sidebar {
#outer-wrapper {

Below these lines there will be codes that will provide the respected information you will have to search for the line containing some what similar code


Now the blog template that I use is designed such that it changes itself to match the resolution of the visitor's screen but if your blog template is not similar to mine or if in your template the width is in pixels (px) and not in percentage (%) then its better to use the default unit. Increase or decrease the number to increase or decrease the size of that part of your blog.

----------That's it now if you have understood this technique then you can change the size and proportion of any blog template and not only that you can change the sizes of any css site and templates.

Plz Comment and Rate.

Apr 11, 2009

Adding Custom or Animated Header to Our Blog

----------Hi guys today my post is about adding custom or animated header by editing the html code of your blog. My previous post was about Adding a Custom Header to Our Blog, it will be better if you used that technique . I would recommend you switching to this technique only if you are not satisfied with the results that you got from the previous method or if you wanna add an animated header image...

----------Lets get started then. Plz follow the instructions before going to directly editing the HTML.:-

->Signin in your blogger account.
->Click on the layout link on your dashboard.
->On the layout page switch to edit HTML.
->Backup your template.
->Find this code in the post.

->You have to edit the code below this line. Edit the code to look like this or copy paste it in its place.

->And delete this code thats just below the above code

->Now save your changes.
->click on the page element tab.
->Now you will notice that there will be a Add a Gadget option in the Header Area and if you preview your site you will see that the header has been deleated. Click on the add a gadget button a window will open in that window you will see a number of gadgets select or click the one named PICTURE and upload the image that you will like to have as your header image. If you want a animated header then upload the animated .gif image. It will be a good Idea to add the description of your blog and blog tittle on the header image by using any photo editing software, like photoshop, you can use photoshop to create aniamted .gif images as well and if you want to animate the description or the header title you can do that in the image as well before uploading in the picture gadget you will not get description and title options like you do in the header.

Plz let me know the results and or if you need any help.

Apr 9, 2009

Adding a Custom Header to Our Blog

----------Hi guys in our previous post we discussed about the Basic Things To Remember while editing the html of your blog, well guess what we will be requiring those basic things today as we for the first time we will be editing the HTML code of your blog. Today we will be focusing on the header of your blog...

----------First we will use the basic and standard way of doing it but for some advanced user out there we will also learn the way of adding a custom advanced or animated header through editing the HTML. Plz move to the advanced header customization after trying the basic one only if you are not satisfied with the results that you get with this method.

----------Lets see how to edit the content of your header. Follow these steps:

1)Sign in to your blogger account.
2)On your dashboard click on the layout link.
3)Now in the page element tab on the layout page click on the Edit link in the header box.
4)A window will pop up with Configure Header as the title.
5)You can change your blog header from this page, you can add some description to your blog header and even an image; just choose the image file and upload it.

Well that's it you are done go preview your template if this doesn't works or if you are not satisfied with the results or you want to add animated header and other stuffs then proceed to the next post Adding Custom or Animated Header to Our Blog.

Apr 8, 2009

Basic Things to Remember

----------Hi guys my last post was about Blogger Basics, hope you might have utilized the information shared in that post in creating your blog, well today in our fourth post we will be learning about the Editing Basics, i.e, the things that you can use while editing your post...

----------The first habit that you should follow is downloading full template before editing your blogger template. To do this you need to follow these instructions:-

->Sign in to your blogger account.
->click on the Layout link on your Dashboard.
->Then click on the Edit Html link.
->Now click on the Download Full Template link on that page.
->That's it but remember to save the html file such that it contains the date on which you downloaded it and remember to add a little detail like for example if you edited the header of the blog on 8th April then name it as "Changed Header 8th April 2009".

----------The second habit will be Exporting your whole blog. Exporting the whole blog is like keeping a backup of your entire blog. Well i have a real life example for this one, few weeks ago my blog encountered a error and whenever I tried to customize it or add any post to it it showed some BX#### error and I could do nothing about it and when I went to the blog help desk I saw that there were hundreds of such problems and none were solved so I decided to terminate the blog and start the blog again I just had to create a new blog and Import the previous blogs exported file that's it. My 1 years effort was saved from drowning. So lets export your blog:-

->First signin in blogger.
->Then click on settings.
->The first page that you will see will be having a section named Blog tools, its quite easy to find as it is the first section.
->there are three options in it import blog, export blog and delete blog. forget the third one, Import blog is the option that I used to import the exported file of my blog, that's the backup. Export blog is the option that you have to use do it once a week. You won't regret it.
->Click on export blog.
->Now click on Download Blog.
->That's it all done.

----------The third point is not actually something to remember its more liake a trick. While editing the Html of your blog you will have to find some code here and there which is not that easy and is a bit time consuming too. Follow these steps to save the time and effort:

->Use Internet Explorer as this trick will work only in this browser.
->When you are on the edit Html page click Ctrl+F.
->paste the code that you want to find in the blank box and hit enter.

----------The fourth habit is some thing that's quite useful its about adding hints for yourself in the html so that you are able to find the codes and the codes of the elements that you have added. Lets say you are about to add a News feed widget to your blog then you must add the code in the following manner.

!--News Feed Widget Code Starts--> 
Insert the code here
!--News Feed Widget Code Ends-->

The signs in red tells the html editor that the words between the signs must not be shown on the blog or site.

----------Well that's it. In our next post we will be try to Add a Custom Header to Our Blog.

Mar 31, 2009

Blogger Basics

----------I guess you guys might have signed up with blogger after reading my previous post "Blog Who?". Now in this post we will be learning about "Blogger Basics" and the points which we are going to discuss in this post are; I won't say, the secrets of blogging your way to success, in fact I consider them to be the base or foundation on which you must build your blog. So you better take this seriously.

----------First thing first, you must decide which type of AUDIENCE you want to attract. Be very specific it should not be like the people between the age of 18 to 25, No that's not the way the audience that you want to attract should have same taste, like for example you can attract the people who loves movies by writing reviews or you can write game reviews and attract gamers but don't try to review both movies and games and make a review site ok. What actually happens is that ok let me explain you this way We can't make every one happy but We can make the one close to Us, so even if you are posting good game and movie reviews the person posting only game or movie review will be posting better content then you. If you have still not understood then try to match the review of two sites one doing only movie reviews and the other doing movie and other reviews. As you focus on only one type of content you get better and better in posting articles on that content and as you will have less to post your site will be more updated then a site that posts anything and every thing. This also increases your visitors loyalty, visitors loyalty means that your visitors will return to your site, because they will be sure that the movie they are going to watch must have been reviewed by you.

----------You must give your blog an ADEQUATE NAME. If you are writing about nature then the name should be like Nature's call or Mother Nature but not techno freaks or Geeks.

----------PLANING AHEAD. We must plan our site from its content to its design. We must be sure about the format in which we are going to post. You must know where you are going to add the images if you plan to add them in your post. You must decide what should be the size of your main content area, that is, the width of you post area. Whats going to be your header image, background image, etc. When you have planned all of this, and even more if you can, try to choose a colour scheme for your blog if you are not able to then tell me about your content type I will give you the colour schemes, My animation studies should come to some use after all, when done selecting colour schemes try to choose a theme from the default blogger themes that matches your colour scheme. Don't go and download any free Blogger themes cause I will be teaching you how to edit default blogger themes and personalize them.

----------For now just plan them and then create your blog, if you already have created one continue with it but if you have not posted any content on it or have created it just recently it will be better to create a new one. For reference you can check out this blog Creatures For You.

----------In our next post, Basic Things To Rember, we will learn the points that we should remember before editing a blog template.

Mar 27, 2009

Knock knock Who's there? Blog. Blog who?...

----------hi guys this is my second post, my first post was about "You,me and Blog" and today I will try to explain you "Blog who?..".
----------The first thing you should understand is that a blog or a website is like a house and every house requires a land to be built on, similarly a blog or a website requires a web space to be placed on or you can say hosted on. A web space is basically like your hard disk it stores the data that is present in your website, now you may be thinking that why don't I host my blog or site on my hard disk and if by any way possible you are able to do so your blog or site will work but only till the time your computer is switched on as soon as you will switch it off the visitors will start getting errors (similar to page 404 you might have noticed) and in this global warming era it won't be humanly to keep your PC's running 24/7. So, this web spaces need to be created on a server. A server is running 24/7 except during its maintenance and other things. There are many sites that provide you or hosts your websites some of them are free while some of them are not. Well I don't know why everyone has a feeling that the price of a service or a product is directly proportional to its quality value, these people are like the higher they have to pay the better the service. If you are one of these dumbos then you probably got some brains in that nut head. I'm not saying that free services are bad its just that there are very few free services out there that are good; but even these services will either add their id in your url (thats your site address) like for example you want your site url to be and the name of the service you have chosen is Sucker then the link created will be ( I didn't meant to make you say that lol sorry if it hurted your feelings and if not then you must be one). What I mean to say is that in free services there is always a catch and obviously if I will go to such a site I will definitely come to know from the link that Sucker is a free hosting service and I may leave your site and build my own so what happens is that you not only loses a visitor you also give birth to a competitor, so choose wisely and read the whole legal shit because some times they have rules like they will be posting ads on your site or it would be like this that you will have to pay after a certain amount of time period and if you won't you will lose the site. but if you are a blogger, that you must be if you are on this site you have a benefit cause for bloggers there are many trusted and reputed blog providers out there. My personal favourite is Google's Blogger yep it also throws in its id in the url but except for that it really is worth building your blog on.
----------A blog is like your file log or, for some of the nut heads that keep on posting their daily shits on blogs, life log or better shit log( yeak I just imagined it). Well a blog is quite easy to handle and lookafter then a site. You don't need to know any computer languages or any html, java stuff. The blogs are said to have push button publication. The reason for that is simple, you can post by just pressing a button you can choose your template, you can add images by a button and also videos to your post with lots of widgets (We will learn about widgets later) to add to your blog with just a push of a button.
----------A blog is not only a place where you can post your daily life's nonsense shit, with dedicated hard work you can even earn your bread and butter from it yep believe me there are many bloggers out there that blog for 2 to 4 hours and are able to earn a fine income. Slowly and steadily I will cover that topic.
----------I hope that by now you would have created your blog or atleast considered of doing it. If yes is your answer you definitely need to work on the basics first. So Blogger Basics is what we will be covering in our next post.

--->Plz subscribe to stay updated (I won't spam you can trust me on that one)<---

Mar 26, 2009

You, Me and Blogs.

----------Hi guys my name is Aditya Sharma and I'm a Blogger since a long long time and have started and ended about 12 blogs; Ya, you heard it 12. In the making and breaking of all these blogs the most hardest part was neither the blog design nor the content; instead it was something that I didn't even thought could possibly waste all my efforts of the last few years. Trust me as soon as you are through this post you will understand what I am talking about and no doubt weather you are a newbie in the blogging world or are just another blogger out there, who is still struggling in this blogospere, you definitely might have passed through these same experiences.  that makes your blog stand out. The first thing that you should know is that your blog design complements your blog but your blogs success depends only on the quality of content that you provide to your blog visitors and believe me there are thousands of blogs out there providing quality contents, to win this rat race and get to the top you will have to give your visitors something more then just quality content.

----------I promise :

* to provide you the information and support that you need to provide the additional reasons to your visitors to keep them coming again and again to your blog.

* to provide you the information and support that you need to profit from your blogs which includes advertising, working as an affiliate, selling your own products or selling products from ebay or amazon.

* to provide you the links to the best yet free services which could be useful to your blog.

* to fulfill the requests that you can make at our request pages. You can request about any information related to blogging.

* to provide you with custom made widgets which you can find in our widgets tabs.

----------While providing you the information regarding many advertising sites, widget sites, etc the links that I will post may contain my referral ids as I'm providing you with all the support and information that you will need I would appreciate if you would not edit the links or remove my referral ids from it.

----------And the best thing is the BLOGS of my Blog Members will be automatically added to my blog lists and the top ten blogs will be featured on my top blog widget in the side bar and until I build a good number of members I will post the blogs of all the members.

----------Now a word of advice, a blog is not some ATM machine OK, so don't expect to get profits out of your blog with in a day's or month's work. You must be dedicated towards your blogs and as the saying goes---

--->Earning your first penny sometimes takes longer then the second million.<---