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Apr 8, 2009

Basic Things to Remember

----------Hi guys my last post was about Blogger Basics, hope you might have utilized the information shared in that post in creating your blog, well today in our fourth post we will be learning about the Editing Basics, i.e, the things that you can use while editing your post...

----------The first habit that you should follow is downloading full template before editing your blogger template. To do this you need to follow these instructions:-

->Sign in to your blogger account.
->click on the Layout link on your Dashboard.
->Then click on the Edit Html link.
->Now click on the Download Full Template link on that page.
->That's it but remember to save the html file such that it contains the date on which you downloaded it and remember to add a little detail like for example if you edited the header of the blog on 8th April then name it as "Changed Header 8th April 2009".

----------The second habit will be Exporting your whole blog. Exporting the whole blog is like keeping a backup of your entire blog. Well i have a real life example for this one, few weeks ago my blog encountered a error and whenever I tried to customize it or add any post to it it showed some BX#### error and I could do nothing about it and when I went to the blog help desk I saw that there were hundreds of such problems and none were solved so I decided to terminate the blog and start the blog again I just had to create a new blog and Import the previous blogs exported file that's it. My 1 years effort was saved from drowning. So lets export your blog:-

->First signin in blogger.
->Then click on settings.
->The first page that you will see will be having a section named Blog tools, its quite easy to find as it is the first section.
->there are three options in it import blog, export blog and delete blog. forget the third one, Import blog is the option that I used to import the exported file of my blog, that's the backup. Export blog is the option that you have to use do it once a week. You won't regret it.
->Click on export blog.
->Now click on Download Blog.
->That's it all done.

----------The third point is not actually something to remember its more liake a trick. While editing the Html of your blog you will have to find some code here and there which is not that easy and is a bit time consuming too. Follow these steps to save the time and effort:

->Use Internet Explorer as this trick will work only in this browser.
->When you are on the edit Html page click Ctrl+F.
->paste the code that you want to find in the blank box and hit enter.

----------The fourth habit is some thing that's quite useful its about adding hints for yourself in the html so that you are able to find the codes and the codes of the elements that you have added. Lets say you are about to add a News feed widget to your blog then you must add the code in the following manner.

!--News Feed Widget Code Starts--> 
Insert the code here
!--News Feed Widget Code Ends-->

The signs in red tells the html editor that the words between the signs must not be shown on the blog or site.

----------Well that's it. In our next post we will be try to Add a Custom Header to Our Blog.

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