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Apr 26, 2009

Editing Your Blogs Proportions and Sizes

Hi guys sorry about the delay again I am not going to bore you by giving you reasons so just lets get to the post.
----------Our last post was about Adding Custom or Animated Header to Our Blog and today we will learn how to change the size and proportion of your blog.

----------The area that contains your content or you can say the article that you post is known as main content area and the columns on the side of the main content in which you can add widgets and stuff like that are known as sidebars. The main content and the sidebars fall under the outer wrapper. The outer wrapper can be simply said to be the width of your blog. So it is obvious that the width of the content area should be greater that the sum of the width of the sidebar and main content. Now as you understand the difference between the different portions of the blog we may proceed to editing the html.

----------The first thing that you should know is that all these parts of the blog have their own place in the html of the blog and these are the places that contain the detailed structural information that determines the position and size of the part in the blog and these codes start with some what similar to the following lines in the html of your blog:

div#main {
div#sidebar {
#outer-wrapper {

Below these lines there will be codes that will provide the respected information you will have to search for the line containing some what similar code


Now the blog template that I use is designed such that it changes itself to match the resolution of the visitor's screen but if your blog template is not similar to mine or if in your template the width is in pixels (px) and not in percentage (%) then its better to use the default unit. Increase or decrease the number to increase or decrease the size of that part of your blog.

----------That's it now if you have understood this technique then you can change the size and proportion of any blog template and not only that you can change the sizes of any css site and templates.

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