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Apr 11, 2009

Adding Custom or Animated Header to Our Blog

----------Hi guys today my post is about adding custom or animated header by editing the html code of your blog. My previous post was about Adding a Custom Header to Our Blog, it will be better if you used that technique . I would recommend you switching to this technique only if you are not satisfied with the results that you got from the previous method or if you wanna add an animated header image...

----------Lets get started then. Plz follow the instructions before going to directly editing the HTML.:-

->Signin in your blogger account.
->Click on the layout link on your dashboard.
->On the layout page switch to edit HTML.
->Backup your template.
->Find this code in the post.

->You have to edit the code below this line. Edit the code to look like this or copy paste it in its place.

->And delete this code thats just below the above code

->Now save your changes.
->click on the page element tab.
->Now you will notice that there will be a Add a Gadget option in the Header Area and if you preview your site you will see that the header has been deleated. Click on the add a gadget button a window will open in that window you will see a number of gadgets select or click the one named PICTURE and upload the image that you will like to have as your header image. If you want a animated header then upload the animated .gif image. It will be a good Idea to add the description of your blog and blog tittle on the header image by using any photo editing software, like photoshop, you can use photoshop to create aniamted .gif images as well and if you want to animate the description or the header title you can do that in the image as well before uploading in the picture gadget you will not get description and title options like you do in the header.

Plz let me know the results and or if you need any help.

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